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Beach House
by Dave G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/16/2014 13:40:21

Nice house, very handy map.

VTT image (jpg) has labels, and both levels on the one image unfortunately, which detracts from the immediate use, but that is easily rectified with a bit of judicious editing.

An ideal lair for a villain though!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Beach House
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Exploration Trucks
by David W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/14/2014 16:52:38

What a fantastic set of trucks! These can be used in almost ANY capacity.

If you want a large military convoy: CHECK You want a mobile command center: CHECK You want a vehicle to run support for other vehicles: CHECK

I think that the best thing about the set is that you can use these interiors for almost ANY truck. I really enjoy the fact that the customer can use any model, and these maps will work well with it. It really has limitless potential.

All of this in a FREE product! Thank you SO much for this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exploration Trucks
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Modern Ruins 4
by Dave G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/14/2014 16:40:48

Excellent detail, nice terrain tile. Only concerns I'd have, with this much detail, it could look out of place alongside a set of (less detailed) tiles from other sources, so building up a city-block with this in it may quickly point the players to this being the 'site of interest', in the same way that putting a typical RPG map down and still having numbers on various buildings can give the game away ;-) That's not a complaint with this product, it makes me realise how poor most of my other tile sets are!

The other thing I'd say is that there is a car parked (crashed? Dumped?) at the kerbside, it's one of my pet hates when maps have 'moveable' items drawn in, my players are bound to want to move the car and this one is fixed in place.

Would rate as 5 stars if the vehicle was a separate (transparent png) so I could move it away as necessary.

Beautiful encounter site though, really love the detail.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Modern Ruins 4
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Exploration Trucks
by Dave G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/14/2014 16:12:08

Great multi purpose trucks, comes with VTT images so absolutely perfect for use in MapTool (etc, other VTT's are available...!)

Well drawn, high resolution and the variety of configurations gives us all we could hope for. I particularly like the fact that there's no roof on these, so we can easily indicate who's in which seat to check line of sight etc.

Oh, and while these are left hand drive, of course any VTT tool can switch them around to put the steering wheel on the 'right' side :)

For the price, certainly couldn't ask for more, and definitely will be coming back to check on more of Dramascape's work, hoping for a range of other vehicles to go with these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exploration Trucks
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Exploration Trucks
by Stirling W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/14/2014 12:32:39

Once again I find myself unhappy with a DramaScape product. The saddest thing is that I've just finished a 5-year campaign in which the players drove everywhere in a large exporation truck, so for 5 years, I've been looking for a product just like this. I should have been delighted to finally find one, but I'm not.

My basic complaint is that, once again, we don't get any views that let us distinguish visual ambiguities. The artist might well know what these trucks look like from the front, side or back, but I sure don't. And such views would be nice not only to give help in imagining the trucks, but in settling details. For example, there is a hatch on top of the cab that leads down into it. How high is the cab? Is there a raised area above a set of back seats that someone descends down to, or not? Are there any back seats? Does the hatch just drop you on to whoever is sitting back there? My players are gonna ask ALL these questions and I wouldn't have answers.

And the platforms that go on the back. Some have ladders leading up/down to the hatch. What is the actual height difference here? We will never know.

So, these diagrams fail in exactly the case that I would want them most: as a battle map for a mad-max style conflict on a moving vehicle. They just don't tell us enough, and they could have, so easily, with the addition of a single extra page showing front, back, and sides with indications of where the platforms would sit.

So, its currently a free product, and to me, worth about that much. I simply have no use for something as incomplete as this. Had it been finished, I'd have happily ponied up $5 or $10 for it.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Junction Room
by Heath W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/04/2014 21:34:32

Evocative and reusable. I used it with success for Marvel Heroic's Breakout intro and Eclipse Phase in an abandoned ship I've also reused the final corridors to extend. A very versatile and detailed map (apologies to my workplace for all the colour photocopier ink I keep using after hours)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Junction Room
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Modern Ruins 4
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/28/2014 08:55:55

If poking around long-ruined urban buildings is part of your story, this mapset provides a derelict city block to root around in. Don't be fooled by the quite complex-looking ruin on the front cover, the actual building is quite simple.

A nice point is that the roof has fallen in, so you have a clear view of the internal layout, as well as some stairways leading down into cellars or other depths below. There's also what appears to be a lift shaft and stairs that once led upwards.

The roads around show evidence of long-term neglect, overgrown and cracked.

A somewhat strange suggestion involving subterranean ants is provided as an adventure seed; but an investigation of a long-ago incident or some post-apocalyptic scavenging seems a more likely use for this map.

As always, there's an A4 overview map and a series of maps with hex, square and no grids for miniatures use. There's also a huge JPEG image for those who have access to professional print facilities or who use a virtual table top for their gaming.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Modern Ruins 4
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Mine Processing Plant
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/26/2014 07:56:44

Bleiben wir doch im Bergbau-Umfeld. Diese Battlemap einer Erzverarbeitungsanlage könnte doch hervorragend zur vorherigen Karte passen, nicht? Der erste schnelle Blick auf die große Karte für den virtuellen Spieltisch offenbar ein sehr ähnliches Grafikset. Farben und industrielle Strukturen passen gut zu der vorherigen Karte.

Leider kommen aber auch hier die verschiedenen Höhenlevel nicht gut genug zur Geltung. Vergleichen wir die Abbildung auf dem Cover des Booklets, sehen wir eine filigrane Struktur mit Treppen, Rundgängen und Ausgucken. Das alles geht natürlich in einer puren Draufsicht verloren. Schade – ist doch der Einsatz einer Battlemap hauptsächlich der taktische Kampf. Dessen mögliche Tiefe durch verschiedene Höhenstufen geht hier verloren. Handwerklich hingegen finde ich die Karte gelungen, Grafiken und Schatten sind gestochen scharf und wieder sind es gerade die Schatten, die eine räumliche Tiefe vortäuschen.

Auch diese Karte ist 3 mal 6 Segmente groß und der Download schlägt mit 31 MB zu Buche.

Gelungen finde ich die detailreiche Beschreibung der industriellen Anlage und was für die historische Eintaktung der vorherigen Karte „Mine Shaft“ galt, gilt auch hier. Die mitgelieferte Plotidee dreht sich um die Endlagerung von Giftmüll.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mine Processing Plant
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Mine Shaft
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/26/2014 07:34:01

Von dieser Karte habe ich mir mehr versprochen. Ich habe erwartet, dass die Details des Eingangs zu einer Mine deutlich besser gekennzeichnet sind. Stattdessen sehen wir nur einen langen Zugangsbereich und ein mit verrostetem Wellblech gedecktes Gebäude. Selbst die steinigen Regionen rund um den Zugang wirken detailreicher.

Tanks und Maschinenraum sind zwar erkenntlich, aber das war es schon. Mit 3 mal 6 Segmenten ist die Karte im Mittelfeld der Dramascape-Produkte. Hier hätte ich mir wirklich eine 360°-Ansicht gewünscht, alleine, um abschätzen zu können, wie die verschiedenen Höhenstufen sind. Hier hilft beschränkt nur das Cover des Booklets. Eine Map für den virtuellen Spieltisch ist jedoch vorhanden.

Etwas irritiert bin ich auch vom Maßstab, denn so nimmt ein Feld zum Beispiel den Raum ein, den ein großer Mast, der Röhren stützt, einnimmt. Gelungen sind hingegen die geworfenen Schatten.

Geht man von der gezeigten Technologie aus, ist es kein Mineneingang der fernen Zukunft. Angeraten wird eine Benutzung rund um die Zeit der industriellen Revolution. Soll es später sein, wird es wohl eine heruntergekommene Mine sein.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Mine Shaft
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Ruined Power Plant
by terry s. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/24/2014 19:07:01

this would be good for any modern or apocalyptic rpg. i will be using it for star frontiers industrial settings.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ruined Power Plant
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Saxon Village No Overlay
by Bob B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/21/2014 04:12:43

I bought this, printed the exterior out on A4 sheets and glued them to 4 A3 foam boards. I don’t have any Saxons but I intend to use the village for my Rus and Byzantine armies. But I mainly bought it for my Cossacks – just the place to become a Setch and to be raided by either my Poles or my Russians. Very impressed – once trimmed everything fits together well. Well worth the price,.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Saxon Village No Overlay
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Creator Reply:
We would love to see a Photo of your completed map, perhaps you could post it on our Facebook page or forum.
The Bunker
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/19/2014 09:33:37

Eines verstehe ich nicht. Die eine Karte besteht gerade auf 8 Segmenten und ist fast 40 MB groß, die andere ist ein kompletter Bunker mit drei Geschossen und hat viele optische Details, ist aber nur 32 MB groß? Ich nehme an, dass DramaScape gelernt hat, die PDFs richtig zu komprimieren. Das ist gut.

Kommen wir also zu dem Bunker, der gut in ein Endzeit-Setting als Rückzugsort passt oder in einem Science-Fiction-Setting möglicherweise als Gefängnis dienen kann. Beginnen wir damit, dass nicht nur eine Karte mit den üblichen Gittern enthalten ist, sondern gleich drei: Der oberirdische Teil, Ebene 0 und Ebene 1.

Alle Karten sind verschieden groß und leider gibt es keine Zusammenkleb-Anleitung, wohl aber verkleinerte Gesamtabbildungen. Gut, dass es fast jeder schaffen wird, die Karten zusammenzukleben, ist wohl anzunehmen. 360*-Ansichten sind nicht enthalten, wohl aber viele Abbildungen im begleitenden Text. Dieser ist ungewohnt detailreich und erklärt vieles, was auf den Karten zu sehen ist.

Die Karte kann auch gut in einem Horror-Szenario á la Resident Evil benutzt werden und wäre dann ein Versteck des bösen großen Überkonzerns. Anregungen für Geschichten gibt es hier zuhauf, so dass man den Abend leicht zu einem Endzeit-Dungeoncrawl gestalten kann. Mir gefallen die vielen Ideen und auch die dargestellten Details sehr gut.

Auch diese Karte möchte ich benutzen – mir fehlt nur noch die passende Idee.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Bunker
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Desert Crash Site
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/19/2014 09:14:18

Nicht ganz für High-End-Science-Fiction gedacht, wohl aber in zeitgenössischen Settings einsetzbar, ist diese Karte einer Absturzstelle eines Flugzeuges in der Wüste. Der Download schlägt mit 52 MB zu Buche und das Paket enthält die Karte in den drei bekannten Varianten, wie auch ein Grafik für den Einsatz im Spiel über Video-Conferencing. Eine 360°-Variante fehlt.

Mit 6 mal 3 Segmenten ist auch diese Karte nicht klein. Die Wüste ist übersät von Grasbüscheln und viel des Flugzeuges ist nicht mehr übrig.

Perspektivisch ist irgendwas falsch an der Karte, sie erwägt den Eindruck, leicht schräg auf das Geschehen zu blicken. Gut gefällt mir jedoch das generelle Layout mit den vielen Details. Dadurch, dass viel Gras die Ebene überzieht, muss der Anwendungsfall nicht in einer echten kargen Wüste geschehen, sondern kann beispielsweise auch in einer Steppe erfolgen.

Einige Ansätze für Handlungsfäden werden auf der letzten Seite vorgeschlagen. Vielleicht müssen die SC etwas aus dem Wrack bergen oder sie sind Überlebende des Absturzes?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Desert Crash Site
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Trains: Wild West
by Craig P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/12/2014 15:49:55

I'd give this 3.5 start if I could. This is a decent collection of old west-style railroad equipment, including an extra steampunk-style engine and a blank section of track. The rest of the cars are fairly standard early American rail cars. The artwork is pretty decent. My only negative comments would be that the scale of the track is waaay off (it's about 150% as wide as it should be for standard gauge track), and the historical accuracy in the cars isn't really there if you're particular about such things. For instance, some of the freight cars have stairs and platforms on each end, where in reality they commonly did not. Additionally, the boxcar has the platforms as well as normal doors on each end (maybe it's a baggage car... if so, then there is no boxcar in the set). There are other prototypical inaccuracies, but it's somewhat nit-picky (should be wood-burning engine, not coal, engine should have a tender, tank car is too bulky, etc.)... if that kind of thing bugs you, be advised - if not, you probably won't really care, as the vibe and quality of the artwork is good. The art sets a dusty, gritty mood and provides a decent selection of cars. For the price, that's not bad. If you're OK with the inaccuracies, then you might find a lot to like with this supplement.

Contains a PDF with overlaid hex and square grids, as well as no grid images, as well as a folder with just the image files for virtual table top (VTT) gamers, which is very nice.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Trains: Wild West
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The Armory
by Nora P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/08/2014 04:37:57

I was very disappointed with this product. The 2D version is extremely simplistic and does not give good detailing, the over-all tone and feeling is gray. The 3D version is good, and makes it much more obvious that this is a modern day armory. I would have preferred some artistic license with the colors to give this a more 3 dimensional feel in the 2D and to relive the overall tone. Useable in a modern or sci-fi setting where options are more limited, but definitely not a stand-out.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The Armory
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