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Adventurers! Academy $1.49 $0.75
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Adventurers! Academy
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Adventurers! Academy
Publisher: GRAmel
by Marshall W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2015 23:59:17

As wildly popular as young adult fiction is these days, I've been kind of baffled that there aren't more game systems aimed at that market in recent memory. Adventurers! Academy does just that by providing locations, rules, and NPCs for running 'Harry Potter' style games using the Adventurers! rules. Characters start out as young adults at the academy and must survive their way through graduation, dealing with many staples of YA and fantasy fiction along the way; light-hearted quests, bickering houses and inner circles, kind and malevolent faculty trainers, fantasy versions of high school tropes, intrigue between the academy and the royal court, and of course the inevitable return of the Lich King upon which everything is founded. (None of these perils, of course, are quite as terrifying as the upcoming Spring Festival dance!) Adventurers! Academy is a pretty big departure from the other Adventurers! settings which are focused more on pulpy action and darker settings, and I think this departure gives the system a chance to show off how versatile it can be. Bottom line- this just seems like good ol' goofy fun. I might even have ranked it higher except that the creature cards are a little too setting specific, consisting mostly of NPC faculty and rivals for the PCs to navigate so they might not be of much use for someone just looking to pick up a few extra monsters for their own setting. In other words, I'm not sure there's a lot to borrow from this if your're not already a fan of the genre. Still, I can definitely recommend this one overall.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventurers! Academy
Publisher: GRAmel
by Marcus B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2015 16:51:59

The latest addition to the Adventurers! line let`s us revisit school. The inspiration is very obvious, it only misses a sport played on flying brooms. In addition some of the rules can be easily combined with any of the other Adventurers! settings to play young heroes or emulate other YA stories. Worth a look.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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